Slide Social
Index We. The Responsible Citizens. Let us Unite INDIA.... . .
Slide I am the world and I am the country.

I am the government and I am the citizen.

I am the ruler and I am the follower.

I am the love and I am the peace.

I am the tomorrow and I am the future.


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Being a Responsible citizen and corporate entity.


Justify Personal and Corporate Social Responsibilities.


Share your social engagement activities.


On ‘Social Index’ Mobile App.


“Social Index Score”

Where are we heading in the 20th Century?


Every day we came across issues related to Rural development, Water and Environment Conservation, Waste Management, Poverty, Corruption, Education, etc  but for all these most of us are habituate in directly blaming government and the politicians, despite taking steps to solve it.

Blaming others will not help for long term.. Because What goes around, comes around.

Most of us are not even raising voice for the incidents happening around our society.

So, are we justifying our own ‘Social Responsibilities’?



Definition: PSR stands for Personal Social Responsibility

In simple words, the PSR is the individual’s own social responsibility and an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large.

  • It is the moral responsibility of every citizen to do the right things and stop wrong things.
  • It is voluntary and about personal integrity, ethics, commitment and ownership.
  • Definition: CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility.

Corporates are part of societies with more responsible, ethical, transparent, and approaches towards society benefit.

This is a company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates.

Why Social Responsibilities?


In our democratic country, we proudly say “government by the people, of the people, for the people”.

But then we again knowingly or unknowingly forget our self duties that curves towards injustice to the country and we point towards someone else for any negative incident happening around.

  • If we want us and our generations to live a good and balanced social life, then justifying our own social responsibilities is the foundation for the same.
  • So it is most important to make People and Corporates aware on importance of fulfilling their own ‘Social Responsibilities’.
  • Motivating them to start with a small steps like

E.g. – Follow traffic rules, respect women, don’t spit around, plant tree, save water, keep your city clean, etc.




  • Getting aware of your responsibilities will be done with your 50% of contributions.
  • Discuss & Aware your nearby people to take oath for changing the most annoying problems and then plan for eradicating them.
  • Start with a baby step to commit the wellness of your society and act for the same.

E.g. – Obeying Traffic Rules, Proper waste Management, Planting Trees, Keeping city clean, Saving water, etc.

“Social Index“

  • We thought about deeply and then planned to bring all under one shade by using advanced digital technologies and developed one mobile app i.e. “Social Index”.
  • ‘Social Index’ is a unique platform for Individuals and Corporates to showcase their ‘Social Engagement Activities’.
  • Through ‘Social Activity Rating System’ these activities will be awarded by “Social Index Points”.
  • Social Index has unique functionality for users to
Raise Social Issue

Organize Social Events

Ask for Help

mockup phone-in-hand



Social Index Score: 

Tell world about your social engagement activities get Social Score and inspire others.

Raise Social Issue:

Being responsible citizen, star raising voice against any social issue. 

Ask for Help:

Don’t feel alone in your social problems and emergency; ask for help at any time any where.

Organize Social Event: 

Come forward and initiate any social event and others will surely be there to join you.

Create Social Poll – 

This will help to know other people’s opinions on any social issues or questions or suggestions.

Groups and Corporates – 

Stay united and keep socializing by creating your own Groups and Corporate.

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